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Quick Start

The @blocksuite/presets package contains the prebuilt editors and opt-in additional UI components. Its nightly versions are released daily based on the master branch, which is also recommended for real world usage. You may also need to install @blocksuite/store explicitly for working with BlockSuite documents:

pnpm install \
  @blocksuite/presets@nightly \

Then you can use the prebuilt DocEditor out of the box, with an initialized page instance attached as its document model:

import "./styles.css";

document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `
<h1>Hello world</h1>

The DocEditor here is a standard web component that can also be reused with <doc-editor> HTML tag. Another EdgelessEditor also works similarly - simply attach the editor with a page and you are all set.

For the page.getBlockByFlavour and page.updateBlock APIs used here, please see the introduction about block tree basics for further details.